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Now available!
​The important conflict resolution guide book Navigating
Diversity, by Patty Bates-Ballard and Gregory Smith
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Are Your Diversity Conversations Satisfying?

When was the last time you had a satisfying, enriching conversation about diversity? American industry has been working on valuing differences for decades now. 

Most if not all major corporations and government agencies expect their employees to value diversity. And yet, as the presidential campaigns of Senators Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John McCain have demonstrated, our nation still has a way to go toward the goal of respectful communications about diversity.

While accusations of racism and sexism have become a regular staple of the political news diet, markedly absent from the dialogue are measured, informative and direct responses to the comments in question. In the new book Navigating Diversity, we encourage everyone to continue seeking that satisfying, enriching conversation about diversity. We believe that having such conversations – and processing our still unresolved pain and regret about historical discrimination - will finally bring us together as a nation.
"Iron my shirt!" "Old people...should just die." "All the hunters gather up..." 

We've selected the Top Ten Most Offensive publicly reported comments of the year and provided suggested responses to many. 
        Click here to read the list!
Reading Lists Feature Navigating Diversity

Navigating Diversity is showing up on more and more reading lists! The latest are the Washington State School Directors' Association, the Kansas Psychological Association, and the Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences at the The College of William and Mary.

For more News, click here
"No matter how experienced the diversity advocate or leader, there is something to learn from this book."   -Dr. Julianne Malveaux, Educator
Sexual orientation